• 搜尋結果: 飯店 找到 1 家

    安平商旅 Choona Hotel Anping

    安平商旅位於安北路商熱鬧中段位置,徒步鄰近安平老街觀光商圈,往西接四草大道至台南市安南科技工業區,往東至台南海安國華商圈,屬居中位置,是旅遊洽公首選。 住宿地點鬧中取靜,綠樹涼風,徒步或騎乘自行車漫步鹽水溪畔賞夕照,是旅途放鬆的最佳選擇。 客房設計重點戶戶採光、微風、窗景綠意帶給旅客溫馨舒適感受並可以體驗古典歐風、鄉村風、現代幾何房型不同設計風格。

    入住時間:16:00 之後
    退房時間:11:00 之前

    安平商旅位於安北路商熱鬧中段位置,徒步鄰近安平老街觀光商圈,往西接四草大道至台南市安南科技工業區,往東至台南海安國華商圈,屬居中位置,是旅遊洽公首選。 Choona Hotel Anping is located in the bustling middle section of Anbei Road, within walking distance to the popular tourist area of Anping Old Street. To the west, it connects to Sicao Boulevard leading to the Anping Science and Technology Industrial Park in Tainan City. To the east, it extends to the Haian Guohua Business District in Tainan. It is a centrally located accommodation, making it the preferred choice for both tourism and business purposes.

    安平商旅距離安平老街450公尺、安平古堡500公尺、安平樹屋600公尺。 距市區約10分鐘車程。 至文章牛肉湯,王氏魚皮等名餐廳約400公尺,走路可抵達。 下午至晚上吃飽飯後可以到河濱公園散散步,距離約600公尺。 Anping Old Street is 450 meters away, Anping Fort is 500 meters away, and Anping Tree House is 600 meters away. The city center is a 10-minute drive. "Win Chang Beef Soup" and "Wang Shi Fish Skin" restaurants are within walking distance, about 400 meters away. After dining from afternoon till evening, you can enjoy a walk in Hebin Park, which is approximately 600 meters away.